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Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Day 33

A habit I got into whenever travelling was to spend a moment each evening to dot-point the key events of the day into my diary. It provided to be a fantastic and useful record when recalling certain moments years later. (It has been particularly helpful in recalling which production or certain cast I’ve seen on Broadway or West end). When we entered lockdown last year I decided to utilise the same method as a way to keep track of the days and found it useful against the feeling of them ‘all forming into one.’ So when we entered lockdown 33 days ago I undertook the same method, and with the expected extension of the ACT lockdown being confirmed today, for another four weeks, I thought it might be fun to look back and review on how I have generally spent my days:

8.15am: Disturbed awake while Anthony gets up and heads off to work.
9.00am: Wake, sometimes turn the radio on, though general dose for another half an hour or so.
9.30am: Shower, dress, open curtains, head off for a take away coffee.
10.00am: Return with said coffee and enjoy with breakfast - I’ve been into sourdough toast and jam of late - and watch/read/listen to the news (and browse through social media, am always intrigued as to what the far right have to say).
10.40am: Tidy the house.
10.55am: Make a pot of tea.
11.00am: NSW Press Conference (“Good morning everybody… can I just say… vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate; until today of course, then just NSW Dept. of Health update”).
11.45am: ACT Covid-19 Update.
12.30pm: Lunch.
1.00pm: Walk to and along the lake, sometimes including a grocery store or another take-away coffee
2.15pm: Rest.
3.00pm: Make a pot of tea, followed by researching and writing for a few hours.
3.30pm: Another pot of tea, maybe accompanied with afternoon tea.
4.00pm: Anthony arrives home.
4.15pm: Usually another pot of tea.
6.30pm: Either start dinner or relax before heading to our bubble buddy’s place for dinner.
8.30pm: Last pot of tea with either more writing and research or watching a show with Anthony; read or browse the web.
11.30pm: Wonder where yet another day went and head to bed.

How did I ever fit in a job?